Monday 7 December 2015


How to Ask a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend

Happy couple

About How to Ask a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend

If you're nervous about how to ask a girl to be your girlfriend, you should ask yourself the following three questions:
  • Do you really like her?
  • Does she like you?
  • Are you ready for a relationship?
These are important questions, particularly because you want to know if you're ready for a relationship. Having a girlfriend just to have a girlfriend will not be fun for either of you. You need to know that she really likes you and that you really like her - this will reduce the chances for rejection.
If you aren't sure that she really likes you, spend more time together. While you can never be 100 percent sure of anything, you want to have a certain comfort level about her feelings and yours. You also don't want to ask a girl too soon if she is interested in being your girlfriend because that might push her away. Avoid the awkwardness until you're both ready.

Making Your Move

If you are ready to ask her, then make your plans. Plan not only what you want to ask but how and where you want to ask. For example, you do not want to ask a girl when she is with her friends. You want to do it when you are alone. This protects both of you from the difficulty of an audience. Having others watch what should be an intimate moment can cause other problems.
A good place to ask is a private meal. Take her out to lunch or to dinner. Choose a place that has meaning for both of you. For example, if you both love Starbucks, heading to the coffee shop together for a drink and a sandwich can put you both in the right frame of mind. Play out the different scenarios in your mind of what you're going to say. You can be direct and ask: would you like to be my girlfriend? You can be romantic and ask: would you let me be your boyfriend? You can mix the two up and say: I can't think of anyone else I would rather be with, would you be my girlfriend and make it official?

Getting Ready to Ask

When you're getting ready to go out together, freshen up your breath and your look. Be sure to shower, wear clean clothes and brush your teeth. Encourage closeness and give her a kiss or two when you ask. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel, and it will help you gather your courage.
You're dressed and ready, you've got the place picked out and you're either picking her up or meeting her there. You're ready to ask her to be your girlfriend. But she's had a train wreck of a day and just needs to vent.
What do you do?
You listen. Because that's what a good boyfriend would do. You listen and while you can't always make it better, listening helps a lot. If she starts feeling better, take her hand, hold it and pay her a compliment. If she brightens more, then you can bring up the topic.
If her mood doesn't brighten, don't lose heart. Just be patient and be there for her. That action will speak well for you the next time you get the chance to be alone and ask her to be your girlfriend.

Too Shy to Ask Directly

If you're too shy to ask a girl to be your girlfriend, but you really want to ask, consider writing her a note and slipping it into her backpack, her locker or her hand.

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