Tuesday 1 December 2015


The rove beetles are a family (Staphylinidae) of beetles, primarily distinguished by their short elytra (wing-cases) that leave more than half of their abdomens exposed. With approximately 58,000 species in thousands of genera, the group is currently recognized as the largest family of beetles. It is an ancient group, with fossil rove beetles known from the Triassic, 200 million years ago, and possibly even earlier if the genus Leehermania proves to be a member of this family. They are an ecologically and morphologically diverse group of beetles, and commonly encountered in terrestrial ecosystems
Rove beetles are known from every type of habitat that beetles occur in, and their diets include just about everything except the living tissues of higher plants, but now including higher plants with the discovery of the diet of Himalusa thailandensis. Most rove beetles are predators of insects and other kinds of invertebrates, living in forest leaf litter and similar kinds of decaying plant matter. They are also commonly found under stones, and around freshwater margins. Almost 400 species are known to live on ocean shores that are submerged at high tide  although these are much fewer than 1% of the worldwide total of Staphylinidae. These include the pictured rove beetle;. Other species have adapted to live as inquilines in ant and termite colonies, and some live in mutualistic relationships with mammals whereby they eat fleas and other parasites, benefiting the host. A few species, notably those of the genus Aleochara, are parasitoids of other insects, particularly of certain fly pupae.
Although rove beetles' appetites for other insects would seem to make them obvious candidates for biological control of pests, and empirically they are believed to be important controls in the wild, experiments using them have not been notably successful. Greater success is seen with those species (genus Aleochara) that are parasitoids.

Rove beetles of the genus Stenus are very interesting insects. They are specialist predators of small invertebrates such as collembola. Their labium can shoot out from the head using blood pressure. The thin rod of the labium ends in a pad of bristly hairs and hooks and between these hairs are small pores that exude an adhesive glue-like substance, which sticks to prey.

How can I protect myself from the effects
of Rove Beetles?

Avoid touching Rove beetles. Blow or wash beetles off
your skin. Minimise lighting in infested areas at night.
Wear long-sleeved and long-legged clothing to minimise
exposed skin. Keep insect screens closed on tents to
keep the beetles out of bedding. Have bottles of soapy
water handy for first aid. Use the buddy system to keep
a lookout for beetles on others.
If a Rove beetle is accidentally crushed against the skin,
immediately wash the affected area with soap and
water. The toxin slowly penetrates the skin. Washing
shortly after exposure will remove much of the toxin
before it has time to harm the skin.

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